For windows home versions

Give administrator privilege to the home user which you want to make the wallpaper permanent and login to the particular user account.

Then type regedit on run dialog box and press enter. Registry editor windows will popup.

Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies

Right click on the policies folder and go to new and click on key

Name the key as System and press enter.

Right click on the right side and go to New and click on String value.

Name the string Wallpaper and press enter.

Double click on the newly created sting value and set the path for the default wallpaper you want to set. For Example (C:\testimage.jpg) then click OK

Again Right click on the right side click on new and create new string value.

Name the string wallpaperStyle and press Enter.

Double click on the newly created string and change its value to set your wallpaperStyle and click OK

Below are the options:

0 – Centered

1 - Tiled

2 - Stretched

3 - Fit

4 – Fill

Restart the windows to take effect. Finally remove the admin privilege from user if you user can’t change the wallpaper without your permission.